Futures Design

Futures Design

Futures Design

Futures Design

While decision-makers mostly operate according to models, charts and numbers, it should be clear that most grand challenges humanity is facing today will require truly creative approaches and completely different ways of doing things. I help you move from Ideation to Imagination.

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Experience Design, Conceptual Design
Experiential & Speculative Design, Innovation (Pre-) Development
Preto- and Prototypes, Design Fictions
Design Briefs
Critical Foresight Strategies

Yanomami Identities

Research Expedition
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An exhibition into the Amazon and research of indigenous storytelling practices that led to a new tool for mental health management.

Insights Report
Photojournalistic Series
Editorial Writing
Innovation Development
Venture Design
Futures Design
I regularly give keynotes on topics of sustainability and the future, coach people on creativity and conduct innovation workshops.
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